The First Presidency has called new mission leaders for 164 missions worldwide. These couples will begin their three-year service in July. Graphic courtesy of Church News.The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has called new mission leaders for 164 missions worldwide.
Presidensi Utama Gereja Yesus Kristus Orang Suci Zaman Akhir telah memanggil pemimpin misi baharu untuk 164 misi di seluruh dunia.
Four couples will be announced later. The new leadership couples will begin their three-year service in July. When the couples’ brief biographies and photos are published in the Church News, hyperlinks will be added to this article.
Empat pasangan akan diumumkan kemudian. Pasangan kepimpinan baharu itu akan memulakan pelayanan selama tiga tahun pada bulan Julai. Apabila biografi ringkas dan foto pasangan itu diterbitkan dalam Berita Gereja, hiperpautan akan ditambahkan pada artikel ini.
Asia Area Kawasan Asia
India Bengaluru Mission President and Companion: Robert K. and Usha Anthony
India Bengaluru Misi Presiden dan Pasangan: Robert K. dan Usha Anthony
Singapore Mission President and Companion: Kok Leong Richard and Min Lian Ho
Singapura Misi Presiden dan Pasangan: Kok Leong Richard dan Min Lian Ho