El Sanctuary, near Melaka, Malaysia was the gathering point for 120 enthusiastic young people, ages 18 to 30, from the Singapore congregation and every District of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in West Malaysia during July 26-28, 2014. The theme for this Young Single Adult conference was “One Heart.” As stated by Jonathan Child and Friendrich Che Chen Guan of the Organizing Committee, "We are from different nations, races, families, and cultures. We come together to celebrate the strength that our diversity creates. We come to laugh and learn, to work and wonder together. We come to revel in the possibilities before us."
Many of the participants spent at least 7 hours traveling by train and/or bus to the event. Sarah Woo, from Singapore was happy to reunite with friends she had not seen in 4 years during the last combined YSA Conference. She said "During choir practice, we discovered we all needed to stay together. When we work together, we can be one voice, one heart, and we can return to God as one people".
Nikita Wong, shared her experience of becoming converted to the Gospel through online missionaries. She said, "other people were saying bad things about the Church and I wanted to see if what they were saying was true." Her internet search led her to Mormon.org and the "Chat With A Mormon" link. Over a period of 3 months, she was taught online. There were also 3-way calls between Nikita, missionaries in Provo, Utah, and new converts of the Church, sometimes as far away as New York City. Nikita was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3 years ago. "My parents are not members, but they see that my life has been transformed," she said.
One hundred and fifty school kits were assembled by the participants and will be distributed to indigenous children of the Orang Asli, living in the Kuala Kubu Bhuru area, 70 kilometers north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. President Rajendra Dass, Kuala Lumpur District tells us that Orang Asli "means the original people of the land". These kits contain school supplies and hygiene items that will benefit more than 600 people.
Participants of the YSA conference attended several workshops, including Using the Power of Social Media, How to Flourish in Your Career, Understanding Mental Health, Dating and Marriage, and one titled "If Stress Can Kill You- How Come I Ain't Dead Yet?" Local professionals taught each of the sessions.
Sunday Services included instruction and a testimony meeting. Danica Patiag testified "We might be from different races, and we might be from different places, but we are all of one heart because we are children of God and followers of Jesus Christ".
Most of these Young Single Adults are 1st or 2nd generation members of the Church. Jonas Ee from the Cheras Branch said, "I had missed out on most of the young men's program. On my 18th birthday, the Branch President called me to be the Young Men’s President, so I am learning all the lessons I missed as I teach the young men. This calling is helping me prepare to go on a mission".
Elder Leonard E. Woo, Asia Area Seventy, addressed the group and reminded them, "You don't have to be old to be strong in this Church. It's not age and experience that give spiritual strength, but conversion to the gospel and faith in Jesus Christ." He encouraged all the youth to be involved in the hastening of the work that is rolling across Asia.
Sister Chua Yew Min summed up the feelings of many when sharing what she gained from the YSA Convention, "I see faces from many nations here at this convention, but I know we are all children of one God. He loves us all - we are His children. When we follow His commandments, we will become of One Heart with Him."