(Article is originally published in Malaysia and is provided for a non-Muslim audience only)
As the world struggles through the tempest of a pandemic, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Malaysia also have to brave this sudden and unwelcomed situation.
“We may be a small LDS community in Malaysia, but our spirit, mind, body and heart are firm in gospel living,” said Letty Sim, the National Communication Director of the Church in Malaysia. Sim reiterates, “Our faith will indeed sustain us through tumultuous days.”
The implementation of the Restricted Movement Order (RMO) Act and the Movement Control Order (MCO) by the Malaysia government in March were essential for the nation to combat COVID-19, but the lockdown has not been easy for the residents. Members of the Church, like Sim, believe that when uncertain and unpredictable times arise, the principles and values taught to them in Church will sustain their physical and spiritual needs.

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Lee is grateful for the food storage program2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“This is a perfect opportunity to turn to my food storage should the situation become critical,” said optimistically Poh-Peng Lee who is grateful of the food storage program taught by the Church. “I could not have imagined facing such a perilous moment in life without sustenance. What a wonderful blessing food storage is!”
Others also expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the teachings of the prophets and for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“We are thankful for safety and temporal blessings,” said Sophia Ho and her family who attend the Subang Jaya Branch. “In times like this, we feel so important to help a neighbor in need. With the additional time, we are able to have longer family time in gospel and scripture study. Our Prophet knows how difficult the current situation is. He gives us direction and guidance to help us in our individual and family trials.”

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Sophia Ho attending church in Thailand2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.This year being the bicentennial year of the Church, the First Vision and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, Church President Russell M. Nelson announced a new proclamation in the recent April 2020 General Conference – “The Restoration of the Fullness of the Gospel Jesus Christ – A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World.”
Here in Malaysia, the gospel began its first baby steps in the 1960s. Some 60 years later, membership remains strong and growing. The early Malaysian saints have burgeoned into third and fourth generation families who now pioneer the future of the gospel in this nation.

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Min Lian Ho dedicated to the Come Follow Me program and daily scripture study 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In a journal excerpt from Min-Lian Ho, she wrote,
“Just like a tree which cannot grow its roots deep into the soil without the ground being sufficiently hydrated and loosened, our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be deep rooted in His redeeming power without the principles taught in the Book of Mormon about His Atonement and the Plan of Salvation. Without His redeeming power in my life, I would not have the strength to face and overcome the challenges in my life and grow to become like Him.”
One of the greatest blessing of the restoration of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the holy temple, ordinances for the living and the dead, and the sealing of families for time and all eternity.

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The Yong’s with their grandchildren in Samoa2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Felix and Joyce Yong feel most humbled and thankful for the eternal family that they are.
“Our family has been so blessed because of the restored gospel,” they shared. “The most beautiful thing is to see our children and their families all embraced in the gospel. We humbly honor our covenants and look forward to eternal blessings as a family together forever.”
Church members in Malaysia expressed their gratitude for having the home-centered Church program in their lives, as it gives them ample platforms and channels, and even opportunities to stay fruitfully busy while they shelter at home.
Before the recent April General Conference, branch presidents across the country had encouraged members to tune-in and watch the live broadcast.
As an alumnus of BYU Provo and BYU-Hawaii, Angie Chong was very elated to participate.
“The last time I watched a live broadcast was during my BYU days; that was easy as I lived in Provo,” Chong said. “But having to be up from 12 a.m. Malaysian time all the way to 10 a.m. for two consecutive days was just amazing! I felt all pumped up for this very special general conference which would be experienced once in a lifetime!”

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Angie Chong with the Smith’s after a fireside at the Petaling Jaya Chapel, Malaysia2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Members also minister and keep in touch with one another through a variety of social media channels. Similarly, Relief Society lessons are conducted on communication platforms that are commonly used in Malaysia. In addition, Church service is held for one hour each Sunday and sacrament is only administered in families with a Melchizedek priesthood holder.
Despite the challenges during lockdown, the Malaysian saints are united in their faith as they turn their homes into sanctuaries of prayer, fasting, gospel study and activities.