The "Year of the Chair" will never be forgotten by P'ng Chin Choon and his wife Yeah Bee Lean, past residents of Penang Cheshire Home in Malaysia. Chin Choon had been mostly home bound and cared for by their 13 year old daughter P'ng Hui Zhen. At home he used a second hand, ill fitting wheelchair reclaimed by a relative. In 2014 Ping was assessed, trained and fitted for a new wheelchair donated by LDS Charities, an arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That training provided instruction on how to properly use the chair which has made all the difference!
The wheelchair has changed their life and allowed him the independence that mobility brings. "I am so happy I am independent, I can do almost anything", he said. "Now it is much easier to get around and I can give care to my family". P'ng Chin Choon attended the December 2014 event marking the turnover of wheelchairs to the Penang Cheshire Home from LDS Charities.
Along with P'ng, three happy residents of Cheshire Home were presented with new wheelchairs after having been assessed, trained and fitted. LDS Charities has provided wheelchairs to Penang Cheshire Home since 2009. An additional 88 chairs arrived recently and will be distributed to needy recipients. Dato Seri Khoo Keat Siew, President of Penang Cheshire Home expressed his appreciation to LDS Charities for supplying the wheelchairs free of charge. He noted that "LDS Charities is the largest distributor of free wheelchairs in the world, and has provided over 2,600 wheelchairs to residents of West Malaysia". Each wheelchair is specially fitted to the individual recipient by trained assessors.
Many volunteers from around the world assist at Penang Cheshire Home which was established in 1978 by a group of volunteers, with the noble aim of housing the physically handicapped. Over the years, the home became synonymous with the rehabilitation of the disabled.
Ricky Tjeong, President of the LDS Penang congregation stated, "these chairs will make a difference and bring joy to those who receive them". Following a Malaysian dance performed by six residents of Penang Cheshire Home, lunch was enjoyed by those in attendance.
When the event was over P'ng Chin Choon strapped his wheelchair to the back of his three-wheeled motorcycle, settled his wife and 13 year old daughter behind him, then smiled as he drove away to enjoy his independence.