Unique among activities for young women age 12 - 18, is an annual camp for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons. The Young Women in the Kuala Lumpur District recently held their camp at FRIM, a camper’s paradise not far removed from the busy capital city. A certification program provides structure for experiences at camp, and the girls earn recognition for their achievements. The three fun-filled days and two nights are cherished time for these wholesome young women who love learning and growing with one another.
- Stumping around before the Scavenger Hunt
- First Year Girls at Camp
- Certification - starting a fire with flint
- Happily singing camp songs
- Certification - Erecting an Emergency Shelter
- Learning to use binoculars for bird watching
- Girls and Leaders at Camp
- Cooling off in the waterfall
- Hiking and canopy walk
- Forest ranger introducing flora and fauna
- Service project at camp
- Service project at FRIM
- Another Service Project
- Food preparation
- Free time at the Waterfall
- Award Winners
- Testimony Sharing
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
The theme for this year’s Camp was “Being the Lord’s Hands.” Mormons believe in helping others. Activities and teachings were designed to help the girls understand service and what it means to be a disciple of Christ by being “His hands” to reach out and help one another. Young women of other faiths can attend an LDS Young Women Camp as long as they agree to live by Church standards while participating. This year, two non-member girls participated in Kuala Lumpur.
Activities included hiking, bird watching, playing at the waterfall, making arts and crafts, engaging in games, talent workshops, skits and other outdoor activities. They learned to read and follow a compass and start a campfire, along with other camp-specific skills.There are four increasingly difficult certification levels for the first four years at camp. After four years of participation, the next two years are spent as Camp Leaders, where they teach the younger girls.
Not only were they involved in physically challenging activities, they were also expected to grow spiritually. Each day began with scripture study and reflection. The traditional closing testimony meeting was a spiritual highlight, where girls shared what they came to know and understand from this camping experience. One sixteen year old girl stated, “The spirit is so strong at girls camp and it is such a blessing to be (there) and have my testimony grow. I have also never felt the spirit as strongly as l did right then. It will be an experience that l will never forget.”
A young woman of a different faith spoke positively of her first Young Women Camp experience and she looks forward to returning next year. A sixteen year old member of the Church who attends the Cheras Branch, said that girls camp is her favorite thing to do each summer, along with youth conference and her birthday! She enjoyed teaching the younger girls and all of them made new friends. She said it was especially valuable and enjoyable to spend time with those who have the same standards as she does.
The Young Women program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prepares Mormon girls for righteous womanhood. The Young Women motto is “Stand for Truth and Righteousness.” Standards found in For the Strength of Youth pamphlet provide sure direction to strengthen and guide young women. Activities in the program give young women opportunities to serve others, develop leadership skills, and develop spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually.
As stated in the Young Women Camp Manual: “A camping experience can help young women become more aware of God’s creations and the blessings the gospel brings into their lives. They can find joy in an outdoor setting that will strengthen their love for each other and the gospel and their commitment to stand together as “witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Book of Mormon; Mosiah 18:9).
These benefits are universal for young women of different ages, nations and faiths. When the world is bombarded with ever-changing values, the LDS Church’s Young Women Program, including Young Women Camp, serves as a powerful tool for developing strong character in the rising generation.