Interfaith Outreach

Elder Stevenson Tells Religious Leaders in Bali that ‘All Are Alike Unto God’
Elder Stevenson Memberitahu Para Pemimpin Agama di Bali bahawa ‘Semuanya Sama Kepada Tuhan’

The Apostle addresses the R20 religion forum

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Elder Gary E. Stevenson told global religious leaders gathered in Bali, Indonesia, on Thursday, November 3, 2022, that the experience of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shows that faiths can best help solve the world’s problems when “they hold true to their core principles while also being guided by additional divine light and knowledge.”

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The Apostle delivered his remarks during the final day of the first G20 Religion Forum (known in short as the R20). More than 400 invitees participated in the two-day conference designed to build peace through mutual respect. These religious leaders come from many countries and have millions of followers.

Elder Stevenson was accompanied at the conference by Elders Jack N. Gerard and David P. Homer (the Church’s Asia Area President) of the Seventy.

Elder Stevenson responded to a request from the conference organizers to speak specifically about the 1978 revelation on priesthood.

“Latter-day Saints rely on a foundational doctrine of continuing revelation,” the Apostle said. He explained to the attendees how revelation unfolds in the ongoing Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. 

Elder Stevenson said the Church of Jesus Christ has been “lifted and strengthened by the full participation of all God’s children. We have strengthened our priorities towards serving others and celebrating unity in diversity.”

Elder Stevenson then quoted President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency, who spoke in 2018 about the importance of this change and highlighted one of the important blessings of the revelation. 

“One of the most important effects of the revelation on the priesthood is its divine call to abandon attitudes of prejudice against any group of God’s children,” President Oaks said


“Our shared values with people of faith have compelled us to build bridges of interfaith understanding, foster relationships of racial harmony [and] promote fairness for all throughout society,” Elder Stevenson said.

Some of the service the Church of Jesus Christ has engaged in this year includes substantial financial donations to the World Food Programme and UNICEF, continued collaboration with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and ongoing help for Ukrainian refugees.


In Indonesia, where Elder Stevenson spoke, the Church has several humanitarian projects in the works. These include efforts to bring clean water to eight villages, equip 10 health care facilities with neonatal resuscitation equipment and training, and improve a school and medical clinic for the underprivileged in Yayasan Cahaya Hati.

And the Church of Jesus Christ is actively building and nurturing interfaith partnerships and understanding. For example, earlier this year, the Church published a pamphlet that introduces Muslims (followers of Islam) and Latter-day Saints to each other.

“When citizens learn to live together with respect and unity despite religious differences, we have the foundational stones to true peace,” Elder Stevenson said. “The gospel of Jesus Christ calls on us to love people of all faiths, cultures, races and nations for the common good — all are alike unto God.”

Read Elder Stevenson’s full speech: “All Are Alike Unto God: Opening Hearts to Those Who Are Different.”

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