Women are active as wives, mothers, civic leaders, and neighbors. They are driven to bring about good and their accomplishments are remarkable. But many are frustrated because they envision that they could achieve more and don’t always feel a sense of accomplishment. Some ask, “Is there something I could do to be more effective and feel gratification for my efforts?" The Relief Society of the Kuala Lumpur District recently proposed answers at their Women’s Conference held September 11, 2018.
The KL Relief Society leadership feel that balance is key. Carol Ng, speaking for the presidency referred to a quote by Patricia Holland: "We need so much for body, mind and spirit to unite in one healthy stable soul. Surely God is well balanced, so perhaps we are just that much closer to Him when we are. But all too many of us put off even these minimal efforts, thinking our family, neighbors and our many other responsiblities come first. Yet in doing so, we put at risk the things these people need most from us which is our healthiest, happiest self."
- Learning techniques to keep our minds sharp, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Learning how to stay fit, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- variation on push-ups, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Healthy eating tips, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Learning about good nutrition, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- The importance of food portion size, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Practical exercise in learning about portion size, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Healthy eating pyramid, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Learning portion size, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- KL District R.S. Conference Sept 11, 2018
- Health challenges in different Countries, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Learning about modesty, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Learning the importance of modesty, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Brain teasers, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Healthy food served, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Special luncheon, Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- Delicious food prepared for Relief Society Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sept 11, 2018
- KL District R.S. Conference Sept 11, 2018
- KL District R.S. Conference Sept 11, 2018
- KL District R.S. Conference Sept 11, 2018
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Close to ninety women gathered for this fun, interactive, carefully planned event by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where there was something for everyone---even a healthy lunch with charcoal roasted chicken served with a varitety of fruit and salads.
Several mini classes provided suggestions to enhance and maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit. A professional fitness trainer demonstrated the correct way to do push-ups and squats explaining the benefits of regular exercise as women soon joined in to try their skills. An experienced nutritionist in another class explained the importance of eating a balanced healthy diet---pointing out portion size makes a difference in maintaining one's weight.

Carlos E. Asay, in his BYU Devotional address said, "A knowledge of who we are, a self-image that is ennobling, a strict sense of moral responsibility, a disciplined spirit, and a keen sense of duty to God—these are the keys to spiritual power. Undergoing a spiritual exam or checkup by reading and pondering selected scriptures is also vital." "Spiritual Check-up," Carlos E. Asay, BYU Devotional August 1990.
There is an oft-quoted scripture in section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants about the importance of improving the mind that reads, “… seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom. …” (D&C 88:118.) ”
Dr. Diane L. Spangler, clinical psychologist said, "To become a grateful and wise steward of the body often requires giving up something worldly to gain something heavenly. For some, such an offering may include giving up a quest to become model-thin, while for others, it may include giving up excessive grooming habits and the wearing of costly or immodest apparel. For still others, it may include giving up the short-term [pleasure] of overeating . . .
"One foundational gospel truth about the body is the principle that having a physical body is a godlike attribute—you are more like God with a body than without. Our religion stands virtually alone in believing that God has a tangible body of flesh and bone and that our bodies were literally created in His likeness. In the Pearl of Great Price we read that “in the image of his own body, male and female, created he them” (see Moses 6:8–9).
The Apostle Paul describes the body as the temple of God (see 1 Corinthians 3:16–17; 6:19–20; see also D&C 93:33–35).
Women left the conference energized and uplifted. They wanted to find that balance that will help them become their best self.