News Release

Serving the Underprivileged with Love, Fun, and Creativity at Yayasan Sunbeams Home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
Golongan Kurang Bernasib Baik Yayasan Sunbeams Home Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia di Layan dengan Kasih, Keseronokan dan Aktiviti Kreativiti

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The Relief Society organization from the Cheras Branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Malaysia spent the morning of Thursday, 29 June, 2023 with underprivileged children and youth at Yayasan Sunbeams Home in Kuala Lumpur.

Before the start of activities, Sunbeams gather for a group photo around a table with groceries donated by the Cheras Branch Relief Society and Elder and Sister Murray in the Yayasan Home on 29 June, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Volunteers from the Cheras Branch Relief Society sisters and supporting Elders Quorum brethren, along with full-time volunteer, pose with Ruth Punitha (far right), supervisor at Yayasan Sunbeams at the Home on 29 June, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activities Coordinator Rachel Mak Shwu Fen and Presidency Counselor Lydia Suling from the Cheras Branch Relief Society Presidency organized the activity. Supporting them were the full-time volunteers from the Church and members from the Cheras Branch Relief Society. Together they served 77 children and youth whose ages range from five to 17. The activity began with coordinated sessions between games and a craft-making session, followed by a group photo session and donation of groceries, and concluded with a tantalizing lunch of local dishes.

Sister Pamela Murray, serving a full-time for two years for the Church with her husband Elder Robert Murray, begins the morning with an activity and sing-a-long at the Yayasan Home on 29 June, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Lydia Suling, a counselor in the Cheras Branch Relief Society presidency, prepares the children and youth for the next game at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
A young child at the activity gives a thumbs up for great food, great fun and a great day at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

"We had much fun with all the children. The activities were wonderfully planned and achieved by the Cheras Branch Relief Society sisters. They made the event fulfilling and a success for the children. There was laughter from everyone and truly the sun beamed on all. We served with a joyful heart and exemplified the teachings of Jesus Christ to spend time with the needy and care for them. From the start of the activities to its closing, I know that Jesus Christ guided us as we prayed and planned for this event,” said Rachel Mak.

A full-time volunteer helping at the activity leads a game with the youth under a blue awning roof at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Sister Aurora Ganesar, an activities committee member in the Cheras Branch Relief Society, assists children with a craft-making session at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Children having a blast blowing bubbles under the blue awning roof with Sister Pamela Murray at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Sook Ngan Yaw, Event Manager of Yayasan Sunbeams Home, shared her appreciation for the volunteers’ efforts. She said, “The children had great and memorable time. They reveled in all the activities and had a fulfilling morning enjoying each other’s company. Lunch was a delight to them having to eat some of their favorite dishes, especially fried noodles and fried rice. They were very excited to receive a new toy to play with – blowing bubbles. This truly made their day. We very much appreciate the time and effort of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for organizing these activities for our Sunbeams. The donation of groceries was a needed blessing.”

A happy and fun-filled day was delivered for the Sunbeams at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Sunbeams having a delicious lunch provided by the Cheras Branch of the Church after an activity-filled day at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Yayasan Sunbeams Home was established in 1995 as home for displaced, abused and neglected children of single parents. The home sees to the welfare needs of babies, children, and youth both male and female with ages ranging up to 18 years old. At the home, education, shelter, guidance, mentoring and medical care have been provided to hundreds since its founding years. The home is a non-government and self-sustaining welfare shelter, and relies on public contributions to support all the underprivileged in its care.

Elder and Sister Murray from Wyoming, USA, who are volunteering for two years full-time for The Church, shared their experience that day. “Malaysia is a wonderful and warm environment rich with history and cultures. It is good to be in a land that does not forget their children. We had the privilege of laughing and playing with kids from all ethnicities and cultures. We watched as the Cheras Branch Relief Society sisters moved them through the motions of joy-filled songs and expressions of gratitude. During the activities, the Sunbeams children and youth were indeed served with warmth and cheer. This made our day brighter and reminded us what a blessing it is to belong and be accepted. Even more, the love Jesus Christ has for all,” they said.

Elder Robert Murray teaching the eagerly listening children how to use the toy to blow bubbles at the Yayasan Home on June 29, 2023.2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Relief Society Organization of the Church is one of the largest female organizations in the world. It has more than seven million members across 188 countries around the world and its purpose is to help prepare women and their families for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Founded in 1842 in Nauvoo, Illinois in the USA, the Relief Society provides Latter-day Saint women opportunities to serve and bless families, communities, and the sick and needy following the examples taught by Jesus Christ. Members can nurture their children and families with unconditional love, gospel knowledge and living, and create a gospel centered home built on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.