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Water is Life

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Malaysia participates in a collaborative effort to deliver clean water to nine remote villages in East Malaysia.

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In a monumental effort, The Malaysian Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in collaboration with Rotary Club Kota Kinabalu Pearl, enabled nine rural villages across East Malaysia to simultaneously receive clean water directly to their homes.

“Our Club appreciates the collaboration with the Church and their valuable contribution that allows us to reach so many rural Malaysian villages that so desperately need clean water for everyday living,” said Rosie Chong, former president of the Club. “Together we help impact many lives for good.”

The Church, in conjunction with the Rotary’s WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Committee developed a plan to accomplish this task. Over a seven-month period, from January to July 2024, they organized work committees, acquired materials and completed construction of these gravity water delivery systems.

The villages served were: Pahu Pinawatai, Kinaratuan, Muruk, Tudangan, Lipoi, Tangkol, Nasapu, Kibulu, and Layung. They are located in the districts of Ranau, Marudu and Pitas in northern Sabah, East Malaysia.

Sabah is one of two Malaysian states on the large island of Borneo where much of the population is low-income, village families.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Each of the villages was carefully identified as those in the most need of a clean water source. Rain harvesting and government assistance have not been able to keep up with the growing demand for water in these locations. Some clean water sources can be over six kilometers away from a village on the mountainside. This type of undertaking required the full commitment of the local villagers with the assistance of the Church and WASH to complete. They were provided with not only the materials, but also the necessary training, for tapping into a high mountain water source and piping it to their village for storage and distribution.

Each individual village project was divided into five main phases which were reviewed and monitored by Elder Brad and Sister Marsha Douglas, humanitarian volunteers from the Church; Rosie Chong from the Club; and Suzanna Liew, committee chairperson for WASH.

The project phases were identified as: 1) initial planning, 2) materials procurement and inspection, 3) construction by the villagers, 4) progress reviews, and 5) final water quality testing, concluding with a handover celebration.

The lack of clean water brings the risk of poor hygiene, illness, and even poverty to adults and children. “Clean water is at the core of well-being and hygiene for everybody, including these humble village families who work hard just to get by,” said Elder Douglas. “It is such a blessing to these families that we can collaborate to provide necessary materials and know-how to build a system that can sustain them and promote self-reliance. To see clean water arrive at each of these nine villages brings real meaning to the phrase ‘water is life’.”

Over the seven-month period, under the direction of their village chiefs, nine villages worked concurrently and independently to build their own clean water distribution systems in the mountainous areas of Sabah, where water is life.

Many men, women, and children from each little village gave their best efforts to help build, and now maintain these new precious water systems. Which prompted Sister Douglas to quote what the Book of Mormon Prophet Alma taught his son Helaman, “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass”. (Alma 37:6)

The Church first began its presence in Malaysia in 1974 and has actively engaged in a wide range of humanitarian efforts ever since. These include projects that assisted with emergency response, education, health, vision care, clean water and sanitation. Members of the Church are followers of Jesus Christ. They champion family values and love serving their fellowmen.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.