(In reverse chronological order)
- Church Issues Statement on Misrepresentation of Activities in Malaysia Gereja Mengeluarkan Kenyataan Mengenai Salah Tafsiran Aktiviti di Malaysia
- Bangkok Temple: A Treasured Blessing to Southeast Asian Saints
Children’s Christmas Event Marks a Decade of Interfaith Ties Acara Krismas Kanak-kanak Menandai Satu Dekad Hubungan Antara Agama
Camp Adventure Brings Young Men Closer to Nature and God Kembara Kem Membawa Remaja Putera Lebih Dekat dengan Alam Semula Jadi dan Tuhan
Words of Wisdom to Empower Health, Wellbeing, and Lifestyle Kata-Kata Bijaksana untuk Memperkasakan Kesihatan, Kesejahteraan, dan Gaya Hidup
The Setting for a Memorable Girls’ Camp: Nature and the Spirit Suasana Kem Remaja Puteri yang Menyeronokkan: Alam Semula Jadi dan Roh
Youth in Malaysia Share Their Thoughts and Hopes for the Future Remaja di Malaysia Berkongsi Pemikiran dan Harapan Mereka untuk Masa Hadapan
Youth and Adults Gather to Celebrate the International Day of Peace Remaja dan Belia Berhimpun bagi Meraikan Hari Keamanan Antarabangsa
Water is Life Air adalah Kehidupan
My Family Tree and History: I Am Doing It Salasilah dan Sejarah Keluarga Saya: Saya Melakukannya
Religious Faiths Unite to Support “One God, One World, One Race” Kepercayaan Agama Bersatu Menyokong “Satu Tuhan, Satu Dunia, Satu Bangsa”
Kuching’s First Latter-Day Saint Children’s Devotional Pertemuan Rohani Kanak-Kanak Orang Suci Zaman Akhir yang Pertama di Kuching
Mobile Medical Mission Provides Treatment and Supplies to Remote Island Village Misi Perubatan Bergerak Menyediakan Rawatan dan Bekalan ke Kampung Pulau Terpencil
Global Children's Leader Ministers with Love Throughout Southeast Asia Pemimpin Kanak-Kanak Global Melayani dengan Kasih di Seluruh Asia Tenggara
Easter is a Day to Reach Out to the Less Fortunate Easter adalah Hari untuk Menjangkau kepada Yang Kurang Bernasib Baik
- Equipment Donation to Malaysia’s Sibu Hospital Brings Improved Care to Fast Growing Region Sumbangan Peralatan kepada Hospital Sibu Malaysia Membawa Penjagaan yang Lebih Baik ke Wilayah yang Berkembang Pantas
Serving the Underprivileged with Love, Fun, and Creativity at Yayasan Sunbeams Home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Golongan Kurang Bernasib Baik Yayasan Sunbeams Home Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia di Layan dengan Kasih, Keseronokan dan Aktiviti Kreativiti
Jonathan How from Malaysia Participates with the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square Jonathan How dari Malaysia Menyertai Koir Tabernacle di Temple Square
Church Honors 14 NGOs for Joint Humanitarian Services Gereja Menghargai 14 NGO atas Pelayanan Kemanusiaan Bersama
Promoting Unity and Interfaith Dialogue in Malaysia Menggalakkan Perpaduan dan Dialog Antara Agama di Malaysia
Malaysian Latter-day Saint Youth Embrace Family History and Heritage at a Young Age Belia Orang Zuci Zaman Akhir Malaysia Belajar Mempelepori Sejarah dan Warisan Keluarga Mereka di Usia Muda
Ramadhan Event Promotes Unity Acara Ramadan Menggalakkan Perpaduan
Qingming (清明) Festival: A Time for Families, Children and Youth to Enhance Family History, Genealogy and Temple Work Pesta Qingming: Masa untuk Keluarga, Kanak-kanak dan Remaja Mempertingkatkan Sejarah Keluarga, Salasilah dan Kerja Bait Suci
That All May See Agar Semua Boleh Lihat
Help for The Cheshire Home, a Facility For Persons With Disabilities Bantuan untuk Rumah Cheshire, Kemudahan Untuk Orang Kurang Upaya
Volunteering in Malaysia Menjadi Sukarewan di Malaysia
Project Hope – Touching More Lives Projek Harapan – Menyentuh Lebih Banyak Kehidupan
- Malaysia-Singapore FSY 2022 “Trust in the Lord”
- Asia Area Christmas Devotional
- The Church in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Hosts an Interfaith Memorial Lecture
- President Taitama Tolman and Sister Tanya Tolman: Called to Serve in the Singapore Mission 2022 -2025
- God Reveals His Will Best When We Are Actively Engaged In His Work
- Honoring the Sacred and Noble Calling of a Mother
- Light The World Campaign Steers Malaysia Saints to Serve and Uplift Flood Victims in Klang Valley, Malaysia
- LDS Charities Groceries and Bread Donation to Underprivileged Families Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
- Asia Area Welcomes New Mission Presidents
- West Malaysia Latter-day Saint Young Single Adults Donate Blood Plasma and Platelets
- “JEOPARTY” –The First Largest Virtual Family Home Evening Held in Malaysia
- Church in Malaysia Co-hosts Pandemic and Emergency Management
- Church in Malaysia Provides COVID Relief
- “Mothers Remembered. Mothers Blessed. Mothers Loved.”
- Latter-day Saints in Malaysia Turn Their Homes into Sanctuaries During Covid-19 Movement Control Order
- Into the Wilderness
- Sharing and Nurturing Talent
- Turn on Your Light
- Honoring and Encouraging Those who Serve in our Communities
- A Personal Blessing from God
- Families Are Eternal
- Healthy Mind, Body, Spirit
- Remembering the Events of Jesus' Birth
- Enabling Competition to Improve Quality of Life
- Finding Resources along a Career Path
- Helping Young Men Learn to Serve Meaningfully
- Forget Social Media---Plug into Nature at Girls Camp
- Keys to Unlock the Door for Chinese Family History
- How to Find Success in the Roles of Our Lives
- Music Grant Improves Gospel Worship
- Observing Students to Teach More Effectively
- Yes, Mormons are Christian
- Mormon Pioneers Past and Present
- Interfaith Support for Expansion of Pure Life Society Facility
- God Gives Us Scripture
- Donation of Sacred Books to Interfaith Library
- Rafting to Learn about Life
- Hong Kong Welcomes 11th Annual A.S.I.A. LDS Women's Conference
- Greater Access to the Word of God in Malaysia
- Faithful Women Across the Globe Celebrate 176 Years of Relief Society
- Learning and Feeling through Music
- Worshiping Christ through Song
- Malaysian Mormon Pioneer Passes
- West Malaysia LDS Choir Participates in Interfaith Music Night
- First Presidency announces changes to Singapore Mission
- Bless a Child, Then Plant a Tree
- Remembering Christ at Christmas
- LDS Charities Assists Facility Remodel for Society of the Blind